As we close out 2024, I wanted to take a moment to share some of my biggest takeaways and insights from the year.
I’ve been going through a tremendous transformation over the past couple of years, from ending an engagement, to going through some pretty intense burnout.
At the heart of it all has been the pursuit of Knowing Thyself.
This initiation has set me on an incredible Hero’s Journey filled with layers of discovery, healing, and expansion, and the insights I’ve gained have been profound, and I’m excited to share them with you in hopes they inspire your own journey inward.
Lesson #1 - Manifestation and Surrender are Two Sides of the Same Cosmic Coin
Something that has come up a lot for me this year has been shifting from an attitude of “what can I get from the Universe” to “how can I serve the Universe”?
This means letting go of trying to control everything.
It also means understanding the fact that what I really want is happiness and peace, and I don’t necessarily know better than the Creator how I’m going to achieve that, so it’s best I leave it to him. I mean, you wouldn’t walk into a 5 star restaurant and start telling the chef how to cook, right?
As someone who’s always identified as a master manifester and placed a lot of value on my achievements and my ability to hustle and ‘make it happen,’ this process has felt like a slow, agonizing game of Chinese water torture for my poor little ego mind. π
And honestly, I’ve felt a bit tortured myself at times, like a pinball bouncing back and forth between “I create my own reality!” and “Give it to God!!”
Then I hear that still, small voice inside say what should now be tattooed on my forehead at this point, which is “Kris, it’s not either or, it’s both and”.
Ah, thank you inner Sensei. π§π»βοΈ
So, as always, the theme of my life brings me back to balance. (and getting out of that dang black and white thinking).
Firstly, I think it’s so important that if we’re going to utilize a universal law, we take the time to truly understand how it works. There are so many watered-down approaches to teaching manifestation and the law of attraction that it’s often reduced to treating the universe like a genie in a bottle.
If this law isn’t deeply understood, it can also cause us to go into denialism, suffering, and in the worst case - shame.
We’ve all been there in the spiritual community.
A bad thing happened, I MUST have done something to attract it. And while there’s truth in the fact that our thoughts do create our reality (to a degree), it’s only the ego that actually thinks we’re running the show. And even the saying “create your own reality” is very subjective.
For example, if you think creating your own reality means you get to snap your fingers and manifest a Ferrari out of thin air, then you’re in for a rude awakening.
But if you understand that in any given moment you can choose:
a) your perspective
b) your reactions
Then you realize you’re not actually creating anything. You're choosing.
We live in a world of consciousness where infinite versions of reality exist all at once.
This is what Einstein meant when he said “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed”. All of the power that ever was or will be is here now.
The version you experience is just one of those possibilities. How you think and feel determines which version you align with, and ultimately, which one you live.
So, ‘creating your reality’ actually just means choosing your thoughts and emotions in an efficient way that allows you to align to the highest possible outline.
So, your only job is to manage your energy.
What can you do to feel the most peaceful?
The most happy? Do more of that.
With this deeper understanding of reality creation, now let’s talk about surrender.
I think the reason this is so scary for many people is that we think surrender means giving up.
We see it as letting go of the reins, and the funniest part about that is that we ever thought we were in control to begin with.
But what if we viewed surrender, not as defeat, but as trust?
I mean, think about the perfect intelligence that runs throughout your body—beating your heart, breathing your lungs—are you the one controlling that? That same intelligence is also creating the Universe in its divine order in ways we can’t even begin to imagine.
Surrendering means giving it fully to God. And when we do that, anything in ‘form’ (i.e. material things) that would enhance our spiritual evolution and highest good comes effortlessly.
I’ve manifested plenty of things I needed to survive—or thought would make me happy—but I’ve come to see those as little “God winks,” gently reminding me how powerful my attention really is. These days, though, I’m less interested in steering the ship and more curious about the bigger plan.
It’s important to remember that the Law of Attraction isn’t the only universal law in play. There’s also the Law of Balance, the Law of Compensation, the Law of Polarity, and many others. On top of that, there’s karma, which means some things are unfolding in ways far beyond our attempts to “manifest” from our ego minds.
So no, not every bad thing that happens in our lives is a result of our so-called stinkin’ thinkin’!
There’s a much larger perspective at work, and it’s not all about us.
So, to wrap up this section, here’s how I’m balancing manifestation and surrender.
Manifestation and surrender are two sides of the same coin, working together to create a harmonious flow of co-creation.
- Manifestation is about setting a clear intention, focusing your will, and aligning with desires that resonate with your soul’s essence.
- Surrender, on the other hand, ensures those desires aren’t tangled up in egoic attachments.
It’s about trusting that what comes—whether it’s what you envisioned or something entirely unexpected—is for your highest good. The balance lies in setting your intention with clarity and purpose while releasing control over how or when it will arrive.
For example, you might declare, “I desire a career that brings me joy, abundance, and freedom,” and then follow it with, “I trust this or something better will come to me in perfect timing.” It’s both an act of creation and a leap of faith—a beautiful partnership between your will and divine flow.
Life is a dance between action (manifesting) and allowing (surrender), and true mastery is knowing when to lean into each.
Manifesting calls for clarity and aligned action—a time to focus your will and channel your energy toward creating what resonates with your soul.
Surrender, on the other hand, is essential when control or resistance creates stagnation or suffering; it’s about trusting the flow and letting go of attachments.
By blending these forces, you balance the personal and the universal, the mind and the heart, the creator and the creation.
Lesson #2 - Mindfulness is just being aware and accepting the emotions in your body.
Now, this one has been a HUGE growth spurt for me the past couple of years.
In the past, I did everything I could to avoid feeling my feelings because I never really learned how to process emotions. All I knew was, “if I feel uncomfortable, I need to get rid of it!”
But here’s what I’ve come to realize: God doesn’t want to get rid of anything.
Everything we experience has a purpose, even the uncomfortable stuff. Suppressing feelings or trying to ignore them is like slapping a happy face sticker on a bullet wound—it doesn’t heal anything, it just covers it up.
True healing comes from allowing those feelings to rise, honoring them, and trusting they’re part of the process.
I realized that whenever I tried to suppress an emotion, it didn’t actually go away—it just found another way to surface. Instead of disappearing, it would show up as a projection in my daily life.
Emotions are energy in motion, and when we suppress them, they build up within us. Since the psyche can’t hold that kind of tension for very long, it will always seek an outlet. Ignoring or numbing an emotion doesn’t resolve it; it simply shifts the energy elsewhere, often in ways we don’t recognize until it’s reflected back to us.
The unconscious mind will always project outward—that’s its nature.
When we can’t face certain emotions internally, we externalize them by seeing those feelings, qualities, or conflicts in others. This is the mechanism of projection.
True freedom comes from shining a light on those hidden parts, bringing them into awareness, and reclaiming our power. It’s not about avoiding or suppressing emotions but allowing them to move through us, transforming them into deeper understanding and healing. This process is also what’s known as shadow work, which I’ve delved deeply into over the past couple of years. Shadow work has been a powerful tool in helping me confront and integrate those parts of myself I once avoided, turning them into sources of strength and clarity.
So I’ve learned to accept my emotions, even if they’re painful.
Emotions are not ‘wrong’, and definitely not something to ‘get rid of, but they are messengers.
Fear is a messenger, reminding us that we are not in control, that we’re being lived and that God is the true doer.
Anger is a messenger letting me know I’m attaching or placing too much importance in things.
Sadness is a messenger letting me know I’m believing lack exists somewhere.
So, when I look at emotions as messengers, I feel immense gratitude for the innate wisdom built into my body. Every emotion carries a message, guiding me toward deeper understanding and alignment. It’s incredible to think that this guidance system is always available to us if we’re willing to listen.
If you’re curious to explore this idea further, I highly recommend reading Ask and it is Given by Abraham Hicks or the Levels of Consciousness framework shared by David Hawkins.
Lesson #3 - Your Purpose in Life Can Change: From Self-Actualization to Self-Realization
I used to think my biggest regret on my deathbed would be that I didn’t achieve everything I was capable of or that I didn’t push hard enough to become the “best version” of myself. At the time, I didn’t realize I was referring to my small self—my ego. People have always complimented me on how driven and ambitious I am, and I’ve taken great pride in my ability to outwork just about anyone.
And sure, on one hand, I have a lot of fire in my astrological chart—Mars, Aries, AND an exalted Sun π₯΅π₯—which explains why I’m so fiery, passionate, and driven. But lately, that fire seems to have shifted inward. Instead of chasing external achievements, I’ve found myself more focused on the inner journey. My only goal these days is to know God.
Honestly, this shift broke my brain at first. I didn’t choose it, it just happened.
It hit me in the form of burnout, a dark night of the soul, and a cascade of existential questions about what I was even calling “success” in my life.
These days I measure success by how I be, not how I do.
It’s been a complete recalibration—one I didn’t see coming but now feel deeply grateful for.
I’ve always been familiar with The Hero’s Journey—the seeker undergoes trials (Dark Night), transformation (Void), and returns with a gift for the world (Mission). What I didn’t realize is how many of those journeys we can pack into a single lifetime! Honestly, I think somewhere on the other side, I signed up for the “all the experience I can shove into one lifetime” package. π
Seriously though, I’ve been everything from a teenage high school dropout to a cashier at Hot Dog on a Stick, a car saleswoman, a bartender, a music producer and singer-songwriter, an entrepreneur—and now I want to write books.
Could I be any more eclectic? (Yes, that’s totally a Chandler Bing from “Friends” voice.)
It’s been a wild ride, but every chapter has shaped me in ways I couldn’t have imagined.
So, my lesson here is that the first half of my life has essentially been about self-actualization—becoming the best version of myself. The manifestor.
But the second chapter is about self-realization—surrender. It’s about letting go of the need to control, discovering who I am beyond the roles and accomplishments, and aligning with something far greater than the ego’s desires.
All that to say, I still have goals and things I want to accomplish—but now, they feel more like preferences than necessities. The more I let go and connect, the more I trust that these desires are coming from my heart, not my ego.
One of the existential questions that lived rent-free in my head for so long was:
So what now? What is my purpose!?
After years of chasing that answer, I’ve come to realize that purpose can only be achieved to the degree that one’s consciousness has expanded. In other words, the most important thing is to Know Thyself first—everything else flows from there.
I had the opportunity to work directly with the author of the book “Ascension: Knowing God in You”, and we walked through the book framework during our coaching calls together which has made a huge impact on my life.
You can grab a free copy of the book here. ππ»
So, in doing this work I discovered, it’s not about what you’re doing; it’s about the level of consciousness you bring to what you’re doing. And if I had to sum up my purpose now, I’d say it’s this: to allow God to express through me. That’s it. Everything else is just a beautiful byproduct of that alignment.
Some of the things that are wanting to come through me now are a new album I wrote last year and a book.
Moving onto the next lesson which is…
Lesson #4 - Spirituality is Paradoxical AF π₯΄
When you dive into spirituality, especially if you explore multiple modalities, you’ll quickly notice a recurring theme: paradox. Across the vast spectrum of mystical literature, teachings often appear to contradict each other. For example, how can you be a powerful creator of your own reality while also surrendering to divine flow? At first glance, it seems impossible to reconcile these ideas.
But here’s the key: paradox is not a flaw in spirituality—it’s a feature.
What may initially feel like conflicting truths are often two sides of the same coin. The more you expand your perspective, the more you realize that these seemingly opposing concepts complement each other beautifully.
It’s also important to recognize that approaching spirituality solely with the intellect can create unnecessary confusion. π΅π«
Trying to mentally “figure out” the mysteries of life often leads to frustration, because spiritual truths are meant to be experienced, not just understood.
The ability to hold multiple perspectives and embrace paradox is one of the most profound gifts of spiritual growth.
In the end, all truths are but half-truths, and what may seem contradictory at first often harmonizes perfectly when viewed through a higher lens.
Spirituality invites us to transcend binary thinking and embrace the rich, layered complexity of existence.
Lesson #5 - Nature Strives for Balance (Avoid Extremes!)
One of the biggest life lessons I’ve learned—not just in 2024, but overall—is the value of balance.
As someone who’s lived much of their life in extremes, this realization was a huge milestone in my spiritual growth. I’ve come to deeply value the gray areas, where nuance and harmony replace rigid black-and-white thinking.
Here’s what I’ve discovered about balance:
Firstly, nature itself strives for balance.
When we lean too far into one extreme, balanced forces will inevitably show up to counteract us. For example, when we get too prideful, life sends us challenges that criticize or humble us, knocking us off our pedestal. On the other hand, when we become overly self-critical, we attract support and encouragement to lift us back up. These forces aren’t random—they’re nature’s way of bringing us back to authenticity.
The Harmony of Opposites.
Whenever masculine and feminine energies harmonize, creation naturally occurs. This is the essence of birth—whether it’s the literal creation of life or the manifestation of ideas. Since nature itself strives for balance, we are constantly being guided toward wholeness by integrating the seemingly opposite forces within and around us.
Everything in existence points back to this wholeness.
- The alignment of mind, body, and spirit;
- The symbolism of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
- The integration of the upper and lower chakras
- Masculine and feminine energies
and everything in between.
Balance isn’t about choosing sides—it’s about finding the harmony that exists in the grey space, where all polarities meet.
Rather than asking, Am I too in my masculine energy? Or, Am I too in my feminine energy? I’ve learned to shift my focus to devotion and the heart.
Every time someone would say, “You need to live from your heart instead of your head,” or talk about “the journey from the head to the heart,” it used to annoy me. I felt like it was too simplistic—why does it have to be one or the other? For me, it’s always been about both.
What I’ve come to realize, though, is that the heart is the bridge between the ego and the divine. It’s the space where dualities meet, symbolizing the alchemical marriage.
Chakra Graphic with Heart in Middle
Living from the heart doesn’t mean ignoring the mind; it means integrating the two. When the mind and heart are in harmony, you’re not forced to choose between thinking and feeling—you’re balanced, aligned, and whole.
Someone I’m deeply grateful for is Cyndy Ditto, who has been not only a spiritual mentor but also a student, a client and a friend. Cyndy was the first person to say to me, “Kris, you need to learn to fall in love with the gray.” That simple statement was the catalyst that initiated my departure from my tendencies toward extremist behavior and black-and-white thinking. It was such a pivotal moment in my journey, and her wisdom continues to guide me to this day.
You can follow her work here.
Lesson #6 - What is Really Means to Live in Flow
“The less effort, the faster and more powerful you will be” – Bruce Lee
I’ve casually used the phrase “getting into flow” for many years, and even read material on it, but at a certain point, it sort of lost its meaning for me. It got reduced to simply “feeling extra energized and creative.”
Michael Jordan famously spoke about being in the zone—that effortless state of flow where everything just clicks. But here’s the catch: the moment you acknowledge you’re in the zone, you snap out of it. To stay in flow, you have to let go of ego and become nobody.
When you’re truly in the zone, it’s not you playing life—life is playing you.
It’s an experience of pure alignment, where your actions feel guided, not forced. The key to entering and staying in this state is simple: love the present moment. When you fully embrace the now, life takes the lead and guides you exactly where you’re meant to go.
Going through a spiritual awakening has completely shifted how I view flow. It’s no longer just a “tool” to be more creative or productive—it’s something much deeper.
Flow, at its core, is a spiritual experience, a connection to something far greater than myself. It’s aligning with divine energy and allowing it to move through me, guiding my actions with ease. It’s less about doing and more about being, and that realization has made flow feel sacred rather than utilitarian.
Where I once believed that being in flow meant I was optimizing my thoughts, I now understand that true flow is the absence of thought. It’s not about thinking better—it’s about transcending thought entirely, stepping into a state of pure presence where action flows effortlessly without the interference of the mind.
I used to think of flow as something I applied mostly to creating music or content, but now I see it as a way of living. This ties back to surrender and trust. Being in flow with life means letting go of the need to control everything. Waves will come, and they might rock your world. Sure, you can try punching at them, fighting to stay upright—but wouldn’t the smarter move be to grab a surfboard and ride them instead?
Seriously, whenever I catch myself resisting anything, my new phrase to self is grab a surfboard.
Danielle Lynn has played a big role in reminding me how to ride the waves of life and stay in flow. I’ve had the privilege of working with her directly as a creative guide, and her insights have been transformative. Her content is truly amazing, and I highly recommend checking her out—you can find her here
Lesson #7 - Everything that triggers you is an invitation for alchemy
“A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul” - Michael Bernard Beckwith
Ok this one might be one of my favorites.
As I stated earlier, I used to dread feeling bad feelings, but something truly amazing has shifted for me this year. I actually get excited when triggers arise. Let me explain.
I’ve come to realize the incredible transformation that comes from alchemy—turning lead into gold. The phoenix rising from the ashes.
It’s about taking the challenges life throws at you and asking, How is this for me? How can I transform this? A bad day for the ego is often a great day for the soul, because it pushes us to grow beyond what we thought we could handle.
The spiritual growth that comes from transcending challenges is much like how muscles grow stronger after being broken down. The resistance we face isn’t there to defeat us—it’s there to strengthen us, to help us expand beyond our current limits.
This is the essence of the Hero’s Journey. We give ourselves big challenges in life to force us to go within, come to truly know ourselves and our power.
Turning pain into purpose is alchemy.
We are literal magicians ya’ll π§
Lesson #8 - Managing the Ego
“The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master”
I’ve encountered a lot of different perspectives on the ego in the spiritual world.
Some teachers suggest that the goal is to dissolve it completely, labeling it as inherently bad. Others advocate for befriending it, seeing the ego as a protector—part of you, and therefore part of God, deserving love and acceptance.
What I’ve come to discover for myself is that the ego mind is neutral. It’s not inherently good or bad—it’s simply on autopilot. Since the moment you were born, it’s been observing, processing, and experiencing the world, building a “system” designed to manage and control your life with one ultimate goal: survival.
How cool is that?
It’s fascinating to think about the natural intelligence of the ego and how much it mirrors artificial intelligence. It’s incredibly resourceful, but it has many limitations, including the fact that the ego mind can only make predictions and decisions based on the past.
Additionally, the ego mind can only process ‘this or that’ when there are actually infinite possibilities in any given time! This is why it can’t guide you toward true growth or alignment.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein
The intellect is bound by logic and linearity, which can only take us so far.
Logic, while useful, accounts for a very small portion of reality. True understanding often requires stepping beyond the mind and embracing the vast, nonlinear nature of existence.
So, understanding my ego has allowed me to utilize it differently.
Rather than letting my ego drive the car, I have kicked it over to the passenger seat and put my heart at the wheel.
My intention is to have my ego in service to my soul.
These days, I am very conscious of my thoughts.
You ever notice how often your brain is just going a million miles an hour? It’s constantly making judgments about yourself and others, reminding you of all the things you need to do, and trying to figure out how to solve every problem—it’s exhausting!
In his book The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer describes it perfectly: it’s like having an annoying roommate that won’t shut up.
Well, with my super spicy ADHD brain, it’s less like a roommate and can be more like an entire parade marching through my head. π€ͺ
One of the BEST tools I have found to quiet the mind is a short meditation I learned from Spiritual Teacher RJ Spina, and it goes like this.
“I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
When you say those words, you dismantle your mental body and your emotional body immediately.
So if I ever catch my mind on autopilot, chatterboxing me to death, I simply breathe deep and say to it “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
I cannot stress enough how powerful this simple meditation has been!
I highly recommend RJ Spina’s teachings—they’re incredibly transformative.
If you’re dealing with a busy, spicy brain like mine, I’d suggest starting with his book Change Your Mind. It’s a fantastic entry point for calming the mental chaos and gaining clarity.
Lesson #9 - What it means to be a mystic
“The scientist rules the linear domain, and the mystic rules the non-linear domain, which is completely experiential.” - David Hawkins
A mystic is someone who seeks to directly experience and understand the deeper truths of existence beyond intellectual reasoning or religious dogma. Mystics are drawn to the experiential realization of the Divine, or ultimate reality, Love, Oneness, or God.
From my perspective, to be a mystic is to fall in love with what is real—not as the mind defines reality through labels and concepts but as the heart experiences it. This love is not romantic but unconditional, it’s a radical acceptance and embrace of what is eternal, unchanging, and ever-present.
To know what is real, we must understand what illusion is.
Illusion is anything transient, anything that comes and goes—thoughts, emotions, physical forms, and even identities. Mystics recognize that clinging to these temporary aspects creates suffering. To know what is real, one must look beyond the impermanent to the timeless essence of existence.
True spirituality isn’t about trying to control and bend reality to the desires of your ego, it’s about discovering what’s real, which is Love, and Oneness.
I remember not fully grasping the concept of Oneness when I first heard the word. Sure, I agreed with the idea that “we’re all one” because it felt good—it sounded like a comforting spiritual truth. But at the time, it felt more like a nice platitude or a line from a Bob Marley song than a deep, embodied knowing.
The truth is, Oneness isn’t just an “airy-fairy” concept peddled by hippies singing kumbaya around a campfire—it’s actually supported by quantum physics. From the Big Bang theory, which explains how the universe originated from the explosion of a single, infinitely dense particle of light, to quantum entanglement, which shows that particles remain interconnected even after being separated, science is beginning to validate what spirituality has always taught. Oneness is not just an idea; it’s the fundamental nature of existence.
So to know that, embody that, and LOVE that, is what it means to be a mystic.
I read a book called The 7 Secrets of the Corporate Mystic, and one quote by Gay Hendricks deeply resonated with me:
"Most creatives who venture into business aren't driven solely by the money. They're compelled by a profound desire to know thyself, intuitively recognizing that the business world offers a pathway to make spirituality tangible, experiential, and practical."
This perfectly encapsulates what drew me to entrepreneurship.
It wasn’t just about building a business—it was about the journey of self-discovery and awakening. Looking back, I think this is why the business took off so quickly—it wasn’t just about strategy; it was pulling me into a journey of spiritual growth.
Lesson #10 - Love yo'self, heal the world
I’ve come across so many wonderfully heart-centered healers, teachers, and artists who pour their energy outward, trying to fix and change others in an effort to heal the world. But often, their own self-love and self-worth tanks are running closer to empty than they even realize. I know this because I’ve been guilty of it too.
What I’ve come to understand is this: you cannot give what you don’t have.
Loving yourself is loving others.
Being in service to yourself is being in service to others.
Healing yourself is healing others—because we’re all connected.
When you prioritize your own healing and self-love, the energy you radiate naturally uplifts and transforms the world around you.
David Hawkins (Levels of Conscious author) uses the example of how a person at 600 (Peace) can counterbalance the negativity of 10 million individuals below the level of 200 (courage).
Mind Blowing right? π€―
So, all ya gotta do is love yo’self if you wanna heal the world boo.
Lesson #11 - Understanding My Human Design
This year, I finally started exploring Human Design, and wow—what a revelation!
If you haven’t heard of it, Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to create a unique blueprint of how you’re designed to operate in the world. It highlights your strengths, challenges, and how you’re meant to exchange energy with others. It’s kinda like a personalized roadmap to living in alignment with your true self.
Turns out, I’m a Human Design Projector! Funny enough, if you’d asked me to guess, I would have said Manifesting Generator for sure. But Projectors are actually the “guides” of the system, designed to guide others in a deeply impactful way. We thrive in 1:1 settings because we have this innate ability to see into people and understand them on an intuitive level.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that Projectors don’t have a defined sacral center, which means we need to manage our energy carefully and take a LOT of time to rest.
Seriously, rest isn’t just a luxury for Projectors—it’s essential.
We need to rest like we get paid for it.
I’ve realized that by working as much as I was, I wasn’t honoring my design, and that’s one of the things that led to my burnout.
Another thing I love about being a Projector is that we’re great at building systems and creating efficiency. It makes total sense, since our role is all about guiding others to operate in alignment with their own energy.
Embracing my design has been transformative, and I’m excited to see how this deeper understanding shapes my life moving forward.
If you want to learn about your Human Design, you should check out Amanda Horvath on Youtube, she simplifies it and her content is great!
Alright, my friend, thank you for taking the time to read this. Your attention is one of your most valuable resources, and I’m genuinely honored that you chose to spend it here with me. It truly means the world.
Announcement ποΈ - 1:1 Coaching Spots Available!
I’m excited to share that I’m opening up a few spaces for 1:1 coaching again! It’s been a while since I’ve had the time and space for this (not since last year), but I’m thrilled to be able to work with a handful of people on a deeper level.
Some of the areas I can help you with include: alignment, mindset, living in flow based life, reality creation, spiritual awakening, and helping creatives grow their brands and businesses—whether in music, content creation, or other pursuits.
Love and Magic π§‘β¨
Kris Bradley
Want to work with me 1:1? Click here